NOW THEN is a free, independent magazine published in Sheffield, supporting independence in art, trade and citizen journalism

Local people are encouraged to contribute to Now Then, whatever their skills or experience, and each magazine is built around artwork from a different featured artist.

Now Then is all about supporting the things that make a community what it is – creativity, collaboration and conscience.

We support the local economy and therefore we do not work with chains, corporations or multinationals. Instead, we work exclusively with independent traders, community groups, charities and local government.

Now Then is printed 9 months of the year (January, July and August are online-only months) and distributed across Sheffield and its surrounding areas. The mag has a monthly readership of around 30,000.

Articles, reviews and interviews are written by local people, and the content and direction of the magazine is shaped by them.

If you have something to say, get in touch.

If you are interested in advertising in Now Then, please take a look at our advertising brochure.

Title Banner Photo: Andy Brown
Artwork: Phlegm